Subscribe on: [Apple Podcasts] [Google Podcasts] [Stitcher] [Spotify] [Overcast] Reading strategically will help you improve your writing. On this episode, I have a …
It Sounds Like This is Not for You
Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate your comments, but I'm not sure how to interpret them. Maybe there was some miscommunication on intent, or maybe you were just having a bad day. In any …
5 Lessons from “100 Ways to Improve Your Writing” by Gary Provost
I recently picked up a copy of Gary Provost's book, "100 Ways to Improve Your Writing," and thought I'd share a few lessons learned that were quite insightful. I wasn't planning on purchasing the …
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Ep. 063 How much money can you make writing a book on Amazon?
Subscribe on: [Apple Podcasts] [Google Podcasts] [Stitcher] [Spotify] [Overcast] A question that many prospective authors ask is "How much money can you make writing a book on Amazon?” and …
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Ep. 062 Josh Duffney on How his Book led to a Job at Microsoft
Subscribe on: [Apple Podcasts] [Google Podcasts] [Stitcher] [Spotify] [Overcast] Josh Duffney recently joined Microsoft as a Senior Content Developer. He wrote a book not too long ago called …
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How much money can you make writing a book on Amazon?
Many people ask, "How much money can you make writing a book on Amazon?" and whether it's worth an author's time. I always give the same answer. I don’t know. No one does. It could be as …
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