Hello, my name is Hassan Osman and I started the Writer on the Side blog to share tips about how full-time employees can write their first book.
I write short books for busy managers (my main focus) and other short books for authors and traveling parents.
So far, I have published 22 books in different genres while balancing a demanding full-time job, and I’m working on writing my next one now.
My primary focus is on publishing nonfiction books on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), but I cover other self-publishing platforms such as Gumroad as well.
I share techniques that help you figure out what to write about, how to save time, and how to market your book.
If you’d like to tag along, subscribe to the podcast onĀ Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. If you’re new to podcasts, you can learn more by clicking here.
You can also grab my free book by subscribing to my Side Gig Hacks newsletter.
A little about me
I’m currently focused on helping business leaders and teams use AI at work.
Previously, I was SVP of Professional Services at NWN Carousel, a $1B leading hybrid work company.
Before that, I was a Director at Cisco Systems, where I led program management teams on delivering technology projects to clients.
Prior to that, I was a management consultant at Ernst & Young (now EY), where I helped Fortune 500 customers with their business strategies.
I’m the author of several Amazon bestselling books about team management, a few books about traveling in Europe with kids, a couple of children’s books, and books about how I wrote and published all those books while working a full-time job.
I also run a blog at The Couch Manager about working remotely.
You can find more about all my books by clicking here.
My current focus is on leadership and leveraging AI at work, and I run three weekly newsletters called “Side Gig Hacks,” “Leadership 80/20” and “AI for Leaders”
For a more professional bio, please visit my LinkedIn profile (I’d love to connect).
You can also connect with me on Twitter or email me at:
hassanĀ ((aatt)) writer on the side ((ddoott)) com <no spaces>